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A thick cream-white paint.

Fire-protective thermal insulation layer.

Prevents the spread
of fire to adjacent compartments.

Up to EI 120
Environment class: Z1, Z2
Ablation paste should be stored in a dry place with the temperature ranging from +5°C to +30°C for no longer than 10 months.

Application methods:
brush, airless spray

Coating is flexible
cables can be bent
without peeling off the coating

Description & use

PiroCoating is a one-component intumescent paint, which is a water dispersion of synthetic resin and pigments. The paint is produced in the form of a thick cream-white mass. It is suitable for brush application or, after its slight dilution with water, it can be applied hydrodynamically as a paint coating. After drying, PiroCoating has very good adhesion to the substrates made of plastic used in the production of cables. The coating is flexible, which means that the paint-protected cables can be bent without peeling off the coating. The paint is packed in various containers up to 10 kg. Before applying, the surfaces of the cables should be clean from dust and degreased.
PiroCoating is used for fire sealing and fireproof protection of penetrations through walls and floors of cables, cable bundles, cable trays or their combinations. It can be applied to mineral wool used as an insulating cover, wool boards in mixed penetrations. It has good adhesion to various surfaces, including ceramic, gypsum, mineral wool and metals. PiroCoating is characterized by very good insulating properties, protects the surfaces during direct heating with an open flame and blocks its spread under fire conditions. Penetration seals protected by PiroCoating are classified in class EI.

Types of partitions where penetration seals
can be made using PiroCoating
FLOOR: Floors built of concrete or reinforced concrete, with a thickness of not less than 150 mm and a density of not less than 1700 kg/m3
RIGID WALL: Walls built of concrete, (reinforced, cellular) solid brick, hollow or checkered brick, with a min. thickness of 100 mm or 125 mm and a min. density of 600 kg/m3
FLEXIBLE WALL: Walls with a minimum thickness of 125 mm, with a skeleton structure built of steel or wooden sections

Paint must be
applied on
a cable
and on wall:
50 mm width

Stored in
10 kg buckets

Technical application
See the examples of
technical application

Check out our other
fireproof pastes and masses
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